Thursday, January 31, 2008

My List

I am framing today. I finally went out and bought a bunch of frames for stuff I got last year at different comic shows. Honestly, I did not realize I bought so much stuff.

I also need to put up a few shelves and get a better bookcase for all my books I have yet to read.

I really shouldn't go to the Comic Stop today, but I will. Besides, I haven't talked to Brian in a couple of weeks.

Current Mood: giggly
Current Soundtrack: The Killers, Sam's Town

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Life

I have been very busy with a few different things lately. One of which is the story that has hijacked my thoughts since Christmas. I have been working on it whenever I have had a moment to sit down and write. Another thing I have been doing is purging the massive amounts of clutter from my home. Dear God, I have a ton of shit I do not need.

This past week I celebrated my 11 year wedding anniversary. How have we stayed together this long? Luck or laziness? I am not sure.

This was mailed to me this morning. I laughed. I admit it. It is just so true. Since I moved here a little over a year ago, I have yet to buy sunblock.

Current Mood: cold

Current Soundtrack: iTunes Shuffle

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Heath Ledger, Actor, Is Found Dead at 28

I can't even begin to express my sadness.

Friday Night

I have had a very busy weekend. To start off, Friday night I went to see Sweeney Todd. I have always loved this musical so I was a bit worried.

I should have known that Johnny Depp would do a great job as the demon barber. I was laughing so much that my hubby kept telling me to be quite. I just looked around at all the others laughing and shook my head.

Then on Saturday, we went to see The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything with all three kids. They all had a great time. Even Anthony, the youngest, enjoyed himself. I was very surprised at how well behaved he was.

I may never be able to eat cheese curls again.

Then last night I was able to go to an advanced screening of U2 3D. I took the bus down to Pikes Place Market. Supricingly, I was able to get some writing done on the bus. Now the trick is trying to read what I wrote.

I was trying to go to a couple of shops there but I did not know that every thing closes at 6pm. I arrived at 6:05. To say I was mad would be an understatement. So I decided to explore a little. I had over an hour before I was to meet up with Jaime at the Pacific Science Center. I walked there. It was a fun little walk. I got called a whore by a very strange man. A guy who was waiting at the same corner as me said he didn't think I looked like a whore. I thanked him.

Once I meet up with Jaime we went in to get our seats for the show. For those not aware the movie is an IMAX 3D experience. The movie itself is a full concert.

The 2D trailer does not do it justice. It was a lot of fun.

Current Mood: satisfied
Current Soundtrack: U2, U218 Singles

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


These crazy people got their pictures back today. Everyone I've talked to loves the pictures of Pam. If you click on the photo it should take you to more. I've uploaded a bunch of photos I found on my camera.

I did not get writing done last night. I kinda knew I wouldn't. I did try though. I hope to get something done today but I have Cub Scouts and Basketball today.

At Cub Scouts we are decorating a dragon for next months Blue and Gold Banquet. Our theme is Chinese new year. This could be funny.

In the spirit of The Year Of The Rat. My friend and I are using an audio book to learn Chinese. It has been really fun so far. I am learning so much. I can now say pirate in Chinese. Not sure when that will come in handy but hey.

Current Mood: nerdy
Current Soundtrack: Dr. Blairs Chinese in no time

Monday, January 14, 2008

To the Winter

People around here are just plain stupid. You get a little bit of snow and they all freak out.

I had a busy day of cleaning and running around today. Not a lot accomplished as far as writing goes. I am hoping to get some done tonight. But I doubt that will happen.

Current Mood: busy
Current Soundtrack: the wind

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sweet and Dandy

I thought today would be easy. I should have known.

Current Mood: tired
Current Soundtrack: silence

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Blue Jean

I am too busy today. Aaron has Choir practice and a basketball game. I will be running around all day.

I did go and buy myself a few pairs of jeans. I am planning on getting rid of the ones that don't fit me this weekend.

Current Mood: busy
Current Soundtrack: iTunes

Friday, January 11, 2008

Hello there

I hate my computer. It is trying to foil my writing. I am sure it is. That and it won't let me on the Internet for long. My hubby says that he will fix my desktop computer this weekend. I'm not holding my breath.

I was planning to review a book I read. I'm not doing that today. You'll have to wait until next week. Sorry. I have been very busy trying to get things in order around the house.

Anyway, Pam is going on a daddy daughter date tonight. The boys and I have pizza on our minds. I am going to try and get some writing done tonight.

Current Mood: cheerful
Current Soundtrack: iTunes

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Oh Yeah

I am happy today. I went out and bought a new pair of jeans. They are a size smaller than what I have been wearing. Go me.

I did get a little writing done today. Nothing that major.

Current mood: ecstatic
Current Soundtrack: Editors, The Back Room

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I am very, very tired.

No writing today.

Current Mood: blah
Current Soundtrack: nothing

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

U Started It

I just don't get it. My husband is mad at me and I'm not really sure what I did. This happens a lot. I should be used to it, but it just bugs me.

I wasn't able to work on my writing because, I was fighting. I find this funny. And no, I'm not sure why.

Current Mood: PISSED
Current Soundtrack: iTunes

Monday, January 7, 2008

Just Friends

I hate my elliptical. Well, maybe not hate. I just don't like it right now. I walked all over Lynnwood today in addition to my workout this morning. So, I think I earned the chocolate fudge covered pretzels. OK, so they are not the best choice for a snack. They were good though.

My friend Michelle stopped by today. I haven't seen her since October, I think. Her daughter is having a birthday party on Sunday. She wanted to invite my daughter. I was happy to see my friend and than she dropped the fact that she is moving out of state. I can't remember where she said, I was shocked to see her. I am going to ask when I see her if she still has my 12 Reasons Why I Love Her book by Jamie Rich. I bought a new one so I don't really need it back. It's just... I want it back.

Anyway, I need to get to my writing so I can get to sleep sometime soon. I need to drive my hubby to work so I can have the van. It is currently 11:30pm. And he leaves for work at 6am.

Current Mood: confused
Current Soundtrack: Amy Winehouse, Back To Black

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Sundays kill me sometimes. We started at a new earlier time at church. I was completely messed up. Add to that a friend coming over after church and a Cub Scout Committee meeting and my Sunday sucks.

My friend Heather read my little blue journal. It has a ton of random thoughts and story parts in it. She liked what she read and wants to see more of my writing. We where misbehaving in Sunday school.

Anyway, I am planning to get some more writing done tonight. Other than that, I am tired.

Current Mood: tired
Current Soundtrack: whatever iTunes wants me to hear

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Until Tomorrow?

I am completely exhausted. It is my own fault though, I decided to take the kids to the Seattle Aquarium. We took the bus down which is a bit of an adventure with three kids and a stroller. I am nice though. I take the small umbrella stroller that folds up really small when I use the bus. See I do think of others. Then we had to walk from Pikes Place Market down to the Aquarium. It isn't far, just a hassle with all the stuff we need to take with us. We all had a great time looking at all the pretty fish. The bus ride back was hell. I completely forgot about the Seahawks game today. The bus was overfull. Try standing on the step with a two year old that is trying and succeeding to wander around the bus. It is not fun.

The faimly then decided we needed to go to Best Buy. I bought a couple of cds and 2 SingStar games. We now have all four. I have really started to love these games. We then went to the comic store. I really didn't need to go but I got a short box to try to orginaze the stuff I have gotten recently.

Next was a trip to Fred Meyer. And finally I made it home. I just want to go to bed. It won't happen. I still need to write some today.

Current Mood: exhausted
Current Soundtrack: of Montreal, If He Is Proctecting Our Nation...Then Who Will Protect Big Oil

Friday, January 4, 2008

Hold On

It's Friday. But I can not decide if I'm happy or pissed. The weekend is here and that is a good thing, but I'm not ready for all the stuff I have to try to fit in this weekend. I am trying to get all caught up on housework so I can go have fun. But it is not going well. I still need to get some writing done tonight and I am hoping to get at least 10 pages done. We will see what happens.

I would like to do something different on Fridays here on the blog. I just don't know what to do. So I am asking for suggestions. All will be looked at. Many will be laughed at. So help me out OK.

I was looking for a photo and found this one instead. It is a picture of Mt. Rainer. I took it at a McDonald's parking lot just south of Tacoma. I think. Tony will have to remind me. Anyway, we were on our way to the Portland Comic Show(Nov 07). Tony wanted a picture so I took one. It was my desktop for a while.

Current Mood: mellow

Current Soundtrack: iTunes shuffle

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Sweet talk

I have been busy running around all day today. But, I did manage to get some writing done too. My lists are working. I went to the comic store to get Glister #3 by Andi Watson. I have really enjoyed everything of his that I have read thus far, so I am sure this is great as well. I also took Brian's advice and picked up all three issues of Brawl by Dean Haspiel and Michel Fiffe. As I have said before Brian seems to be dead on when he suggests stuff for me to read. So as I flipped though the 3rd issue and noticed that a majority of the pages had a woman naked on them I decided I needed to investigate a little further. As I actually read a few pages I laughed quite a bit. I had to get them. It scares me sometimes that Brian knows me so well. We only see each other when I stop in at the store or at the different comic shows. I have yet to decide if this is a good thing or a bad one.

As I said I was able to get some writing done today. Thank god gymnastics is back. I get a good hour and a half of writing time. I was able to get a lot done. That makes a very happy Mary. I hope to keep up with the pace I have had for the past few days. I have finally made writing a priority in my life. Lets all keep our fingers crossed that I can keep this up.

Current Mood: good
Current Soundtrack: The Killers, Sawdust

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Whaddaya Know

I was actually able to get some writing done yesterday. I had to stay up till one in the morning but hey. Who needs to sleep anyway? I have a plan. Yes, it is OK to be scared. I am going to try and write every night after I get the kids to sleep. This may mean that I will never get to bed before midnight. Again I ask, who needs to sleep anyway?

I am having a lot of fun with the story I am working on. Which is a little weird considering the story is depressing. I guess it just proves that I am a very strange person. I have already written the beginning and the ending. So now I just need to fill in the rest. Easy. I hope.

Current Mood:hungry

Current Soundtrack: iTunes shuffle

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

One Lazy Morning

Happy New Year to all.

I have a lot of things planned for this new year. I just need to figure out what to get done first. So of course I have been making lists and schedules for each day. I have always been able to come up with great plans for what I need to do. Its the following of said plan that gets me every time. So this year I have much simpler plans. I'll keep you updated.

No writing has been done as of late. I have had a lot of family stuff happening and sacrifices had to be made.

Current Mood: ready to get things done
Current Soundtrack:Brett Anderson, Brett Anderson